1. Rainfall
12-hour Rainfall Accumulation
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2. 24-hr Rainfall Accumulation - Mesonet
The 24-hour Rainfall Accumulation map displays accumulated rainfall observed at each Mesonet site in the last 24 hours.
3. [PDF] Reading Mesonet Rain Maps - Oklahoma 4-H
When reading the Mesonet rainfall accumulation maps, notice each Mesonet site displays accumulated rainfall. The map also displays the National Weather. Service ...
4. Climate (Precipitation) Data - The University of Oklahoma
Mesonet data consist of 120 monitoring stations across Oklahoma, with at least 1 station in each of the 77 counties. Monitoring stations are designed to ...
The University of Oklahoma
5. Oklahoma Mesonet - (NOTE: 1000-year rainfall event doesn't ...
19 jun 2024 · Mother Nature went nuts on Hooker, Goodwell, and Beaver last night! Goodwell's total hits their 1000-year rainfall mark, and Hooker broke their all-time daily ...
See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
6. OUN - Oklahoma City, OK - National Weather Service
Supplemental climate data for western/central Oklahoma and western north Texas. Data includes 24-hr max/min temperatures and precipitation ending at 7am this ...
NOAA National Weather Service
7. Oklahoma Mesonet | Norman OK - Facebook
Oklahoma Mesonet, Norman, Oklahoma. 45166 likes · 2082 talking about this · 32 were here. Oklahoma's Weather Network https://www.mesonet.org.
See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
8. [PDF] jp1.1 spatial coherence of rainfall variations using the oklahoma ...
Jointly owned by the University of. Oklahoma (OU) and Oklahoma State University. (OSU), the Oklahoma Mesonet has provided.
9. Improving WSR-88D Hourly Rainfall Estimates in - AMETSOC - Journals
The technique also uses rainfall measurements from the Oklahoma ... The corresponding 185 h of hourly rainfall accumulation for mesonet gauges ...
Abstract A statistical objective analysis (SOA) scheme is used to reanalyze the stage III estimate of rainfall, an hourly mosaic of digital precipitation arrays produced by a network of WSR-88Ds. The technique also uses rainfall measurements from the Oklahoma Mesonetwork that are taken over the Lake Altus area in southwest Oklahoma. The Lake Altus area is monitored by four WSR-88D radars: Frederick, Oklahoma; Twin Lakes, Oklahoma; Amarillo, Texas; and Lubbock, Texas. A total of 185 hourly maps of precipitation accumulation between June 1995 and July 1996 are used in the reanalysis. The results indicate that the stage III analysis underestimates total rainfall accumulations by as much as 40% when compared to the SOA reanalysis. Furthermore, the largest discrepancies between the stage III analysis and the SOA reanalysis coincide with overlapping areas of coverage between WSR-88D umbrellas. Some stage III precipitation fields used in this study clearly show fictitious high gradients of rainfall that exactly coincide with the maximum range ring of adjacent WSR-88Ds. Currently, stage II precipitation fields are mosaicked by averaging nonzero rainfall accumulations, regardless of their respective distance from a WSR-88D, to generate the stage III analysis. It is shown that wherever WSR-88D surveillance areas overlap, analysis errors, introduced solely by the radar-range effect, will adversely affect the accuracy of the stage III estimate. An error-weighted averaging method is propo...
10. Oklahoma Mesonet - Ardmore Weather Live
5day Rainfall · 7day Rainfall · 10day Rainfall · 30day Rainfall. You can't see this because your browser does not support iframes. Data Courtesy of Oklahoma ...
Oklahoma Mesonet
11. IEM :: Download Hourly Precipitation Data - Iowa Environmental Mesonet
The IEM attempts to take the METAR reports of precipitation and then provide just the hourly precipitation totals.
Iowa Environmental Mesonet of Iowa State University
12. The Oklahoma Mesonet: A Technical Overview in - AMS Journals
Each station measures air temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, wind speed and direction, rainfall, solar radiation, and soil temperatures. Each station ...
Abstract The Oklahoma mesonet is a joint project of Oklahoma State University and the University of Oklahoma. It is an automated network of 108 stations covering the state of Oklahoma. Each station measures air temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, wind speed and direction, rainfall, solar radiation, and soil temperatures. Each station transmits a data message every 15 min via a radio link to the nearest terminal of the Oklahoma Law Enforcement Telecommunications System that relays it to a central site in Norman, Oklahoma. The data message comprises three 5-min averages of most data (and one 15-min average of soil temperatures). The central site ingests the data, runs some quality assurance tests, archives the data, and disseminates it in real time to a broad community of users, primarily through a computerized bulletin board system. This manuscript provides a technical description of the Oklahoma mesonet including a complete description of the instrumentation. Sensor inaccuracy, resolution, height with respect to ground level, and method of exposure are discussed.
13. Kansas Mesonet
The precipitation overlay shows the estimated accumulation over the past 24 hours. Latest update from the National Weather Service:
Kansas Mesonet